Het Meisjeshuis

Weesmeisjes begin 20e eeuw
  • Saturday
    10:00 - 17:00 uur
  • Partially accessible for disabled
    Musical program
  • Het Meisjeshuis Oude Delft 116 2611 CG Delft

Girls’ orphanage (1769) in Louis XV style, after design by city architect Terburgh. Used as orphanage until mid-20th century. Front and rear building are connected by a narrow hallway. Decorated with beautiful façade and interior, front being used for representative functions, e.g. regents’ meetings. The more austere building at the back originally contained a kitchen and working/living quarters for orphan girls. Garden gate in neo-18th-century style, dating from early 20th century. Following renovation and restorations, used by Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland and Club ‘Het Meisjeshuis’ since 2005. 
